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Thursday 4 February 2016

Clay Hundenshire village idiot = another DBO Culty Fake

This is the sort of comments to expect if you oppose breed specific legislation as it seems they are far more dangerous then the dogs they so despise the fact is this is the type of behavior these twisted people consider to be public safety or victims advocacy and if you either own a pit bull or oppose breed specific legislation these people will stalk you and cyber bully.


The only terms of endearment I am interested in coming out of your mouth are the ones you utter when I have a firm grasp on your ears.

    I never approached you in my life. It was always you pursuing me and reaching for my zipper. Don't be ashamed of what you do just because I "exposed" you to the public for what you are. Approach my zipper with your mouth again and we will find out who the real man is.

      Clay Hundenshire village idiot

      I should have never let you touch me the first time, let alone all the other times. Now I can't get rid of you. Leave me alone Terry Holt, stop stalking me and threatening me with physical violence.


      Says the man who is stalking me, won't leave me alone, is making false accusations about me, and is threatening me with physical violence.
      Consider your stalking and threats of physical violence turned in.


        LOL! A threat? An assault? Silly boy, you always liked it when I held your ears before. You used to call me the king! You used to beg for more sausage! Physical violence? Don't you want to tickle me any more?


          If you want to call your actions sexual predation, feel free, just keep making those perfect "o"s with your mouth.
          I never threatened you, I complimented you. Without me, your ears would be pinned to the side of your head instead of flaring out to the side like dumbo.

            Clay Hundenshire village idiot

            Says the man who is stalking me, won't leave me alone, is making false accusations about me, and is threatening me with physical violence.

            I've complained about this sick perverted coward any number of times but protecting commentators doesn't seem to be very high on the agenda when it comes to media organizations as many seem not to have moderators, I wonder how many people have to commit suicide after being bullied before these news organizations take their duty of care seriously?

            All these comments and many more just like them can be found just follow the link to the news org that don't protect their subscribers.


            more to come.....

            Monday 1 February 2016

            Clay Hundenshire village idiot = pit bull hating cyber bully

            I'm constantly under attack from sick individuals using fake names and profiles to vent their frustration at not being able to dispute my facts and the opinions I've formed from accessing legitimate animal organizations and all the data available on the internet all of which overwhelmingly opposes breed specific legislation.

            Here's an example of what you can expect if you dare to oppose their opinions all of which have been reached using disinformation and lies from, Daxton's Freinds etc etc etc.....

            Why does Terry Holt keep posting messages so they show up in one's inbox but when you go to respond, the messages are gone? Just what is it about himself that he does not want the general public to know? What is he hiding from them? The truth that he is actually that disturbed and a true hater of children, people and animals? C'mon Terry, let people see what you are about. Let it all hang out.
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                if we're talking about letting it all hang out why don't you try using your real name instead of your cyber bully name? you see I know Clay Hundenshire and unless you mistakenly think "village idiot" is a term of endearment and not meant to embarrass Clay by definition your use of that name is cyber bullying? and as for inboxing you ? not likely generally I don't waste time on Fake coward cyber bully's like you but in this case you named me??

                These comments and many many more exactly the same can be found on any news article where the title contains the words "pit bull" they infest any such article comments section posting their propaganda and attack anyone disputing their opinions and so called facts/stats, they've stalked me stolen my pictures meme'd them with lies and disinformation all in the name of public safety advocacy or as they call it "pit bull victims advocacy"

                On this news article a 7 year old boy was attacked by 3 dogs one of which is alleged to have been a "pit bull" if you read the article and all the comments it seems the mother has taken off with the go fund me funeral money not even bothering to attend her dead son's funeral and yet the pit bull haters (bsl proponents) defend the parents and blame the whole situation on the one alleged "pit bull" involved despite the obvious facts regarding the children being left unsupervised which ultimately led to this tragedy.

                These people are dangerous if you reply to their comments expect the same cyber bullying and doxing that I've suffered at their hands please take advantage of the option to "flag" any comments you find offensive and report the individuals it's time for the bullying to stop?


                more to come.....