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Thursday 25 September 2014

Thomas MCarty, Lori.K.Wilson and Darren Stephens, did I miss anyone of your fakes

A Stroll Down Memory Lane on a Broomstick

Updated: March 23, 2014

If you grew up in the 1960′s or watch re-runs of the ABC television show 
Bewitched, you remember the suburban housewife/witch played by the beautiful Elizabeth Montgomery who marries a mortal man Darren (Dick York). Bewitched went on to be the longest running supernatural themed sitcom of the 1960’-1970’s. So what does this stroll down memory lane have to do with Pit Bulls you ask? Well you be the judge.

If you read blogs, articles, or frequent the many anti Pit Bull pages on Facebook or the World Wide Web, you might have come across a person by the name of Thomas McCartney, many have dubbed Thomas the copy/paste King, articles after articles, that frankly no one reads. But I think good old Tom just likes to make fake accounts to promote bewitched or BSL.

Take a look at some of the photos listed on Thomas Facebook profile, strange for a man, to have this fascination with a dead woman, that starred on a TV show, over 50 years ago, don’t you think?

Don’t go looking for that account, since this article’s completion that account is gone. But some of Thomas’s friends have an explanation which we will cover towards the end.

It seems that Thomas, a true fan of the show is a curator, historian, archivist for Elizabeth Montgomery. He has devoted many years to this dead woman. Thomas also was a contributor to a book written on the late actress, that doesn’t interest me, but this does:

Yet another fake account that Thomas has, is anyone keeping count yet?

Now back to the connection to bewitch. The other day, as I was surfing around, I noticed an account, by the name of Lori Wilson. Now for all the people that don’t know as I do, there is a park, in Coco Beach Florida, Named Lori Wilson Park. 

DBO Tom Pk

So you ask, so what, a park named after a dead woman? Well yes, but not just a dead woman, another icon in an era that some people, not many, worship. So where is the connection you ask, here you go.

Lori Wilson, facebook account from last week (2-2-14)

DBO Tom LORIlori wilson new thomas account

Well I am also always thirsting for new knowledge, so today I surfed a little more and this is what I found

lori wilson new thomas account

Yup, good old Thomas is back.  I guess he didn’t realize that you can change the name to an account, but, you can’t change everything, silly fella, you’re getting sloppy!

Only one group, give it time, the Pit Bull haters will start adding him back. So let’s see what other accounts we can find for Thomas, Hmmm How about:


Well look at that, his likes, names sound familiar, and Vancouver, is that where the totem poles are from?

Seems Darrin Stephens hates Pit Bulls too, from the grave I gather:

You see, Thomas, aka Larry Tate, can be found using many fake accounts, a typical move among the Pit Bull Haters.



Yet another one, I wonder why he doesn’t use this account

The other side claims, “Thomas is real”


Well, well, if Thomas didn’t have to hide his identity, what is the problem??
You would think a person that has been dubbed “Entertainment Historian” would be happy to provide proof of his identity. Well no worries, you see some unhappy customers have provided that information.

You see LarrytateT aka Tom sells movies, tons of them, kind of a sickness imo, but his quality of movies pisses off people, take a look.
A yahoo groups conversation:


Seems Tom really enjoys being in the Larry Tate character, another dead man.




DBO TMtom wizard


Well, Tom should take a step back and read his words from 2005, because he does the same thing when it comes to Pit Bulls. He repeats his copy and paste on numerous articles and blogs, and he is WRONG, it will NOT make his stand BELIEVABLE. Tom is also not RESPONDING, he is just SPREADING HATE.


If you have noticed Tom has been MIA, have no fear, he is there, out doing what he likes to do best, NOTHING but copy and paste. Or maybe there is a bewitched convention? Either way, you can see that those that hate Pit Bulls, have nothing better to do then make FAKE accounts to spread their lies. I say be a man, step up and debate. Copying and pasting article after article doesn’t do anything, hell, I don’t even read what he posts.

Now I can assure you Jeff West will take over as the next Tom/Darrin/LarryTate/Lori, the proof has already started. Poor Tom, I recommend you take some gardening tips from Julie, your yard is a freaking mess. Later LA LA Lizzie …………………………twitches all!

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