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Saturday 13 September 2014

(James Lee) go straight down the rabbit hole

Where there is smoke there is fire.

Oh this is a fun one. First lets see the story they are talking about. The full story is here.
Newly adopted pit bull saves owner from fire.
Pelchat was apparently in a deep sleep when her dog, Brinleigh jumped up and started licking her face. She just adopted Brinleigh from SPCA Florida on November 1. Pelchat ignored the dog’s licks, but Brinleigh didn’t give up. “The longer I laid in bed, the more frantic she became,” Pelchat said. “She was pulling on my shirt and digging on me and just really trying to get my attention.” Finally, she awoke to her home filling with thick black smoke. “If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have woken up. And then Lord knows what would have happened,” she said. It turns out she and her boyfriend left a plastic container on their stove top. They’re not sure how, but they believe one of the burners turned on and started the fire. The smoke alarm went off, but Pelchat never heard it. Her other pets ran away from the danger through their doggy door, except for Brinleigh. “It gives you a different aspect on how dogs must think,” she said.
Now that’s just a portion of the article but it serves the purpose of my story. Already shows how dumb these people are (or how poor their reading comprehension skills are, take your choice).
You see someone states the dog did it because he didn’t want to die and that this is different than running into a burning building and saving lives. The problem is that the story states her other pets ran away from the danger through the doggy door”. Brinleigh (a girl by the way Cheryl) COULD HAVE LEFT BUT DID NOT. So yes, she saved their lives.
And then just to have more fun.. there’s this OTHER story:
There were flames shooting down the hallway,” said Westenberger. “If Baby hadn’t woken Evelyn up, I don’t think either one of us would have come out of it.” Once the sisters were safe, the dog wasn’t done yet. Realizing there were several dogs still in the house, Baby went back into the fire. “There was [one dog] hiding underneath the bed,” said Charles Land, another family member. “Baby actually went in there grabbed it by the neck and drug it outside.”
They then manage to have a member (James Lee) go straight down the rabbit hole by making sarcastic remarks about children charred and smoking. That’s on the level of dead baby jokes. And for a “victim advocate” it’s reprehensible.

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