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Wednesday 24 September 2014

A Foamer Sociopath

A Foamer Sociopath

“A sociopath is a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. Sociopaths and psychopaths each fall within the broader term of persons with Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD).
Generally speaking, sociopaths exhibit psychopathic behaviors in certain contexts but not all. For instance, while a sociopath cares “nothing for social norms and will break them with impunity if it serves their purpose,” they may not do so within their group or family. “
A Foamer Sociopath — antisocial Foamer defender — comes in a variety of forms detectable by their outward behavior. For instance Insult & block behavior, rounding up their Foamer buddies after a serious twitter and Facebook attack and fleeing the scene, which often forces Foamer victims to undergo a painful and expensive series of mental rebooting to rid their brain from all the ignorance. Their characteristic “impoverished conscience” can also be detected when commenting on threads that have nothing to do with them. Foamers exhibit extreme sociopathy by stalking, harassing, bullying, threatening directly via the internet.
Have you had a run in with a
Foamer Sociopath?


Are you feeling frustrated?
Feeling belittled, mocked and victimized by your stupidity?
Do you feel the society just doesn’t understand your whole hate filled agenda?
Are your multiple hate pages and fake accounts not producing the desired effect?
Are your angry phone calls falling on dead ears?
Are your angry letters being ignored?
Are you losing sleep at night because your angered by a damn Facebook page?
Do you feel that you are at your breaking point and your just not GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE?
Sorry, but our we give a flying crap machine is broken so please do the world a favor and-

Foamer 12 step program

Here at Foamer Talk understand how frightening it is to be taking the stepAWAY from the Foamer community! Let us be the first one to congratulateyou on taking that very first scary yet rewarding step.
Detoxing from the Foamer toxicity is not an easy process. We understand the horror, shame, mocking and abusive techniques that you as an individual has had to deal with to become a useful member in the Foamer horde.
We have studied their methods and are horrified at their practice of draining ALL of the positivity, common sense and free will from you and then stomping on your soul and self worth so that they can shatter the original you only to rebuild you in their image. You might not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we do and with help, support we feel that mostly all Foamers can change their lives but the bottom line is: that really depends on YOU.
FA Responsibility Pledge (Foamers Anonymous)
I am Responsible.
When Anyone, Anywhere
Reaches Out For Help,
I Want The Hand Of F.A
Always To Be There.
And For That,
I Am Responsible !
As a active Foamer, accountability is a taboo word and is discouraged strongly or forbidden. However, for you to be successful in this program you will need to:
Admit that one cannot control one’s addiction or compulsion;
recognizing a higher power that can give strength;
examining past errors with the help of a sponsor (experienced member);
making amends for these errors;
learning to live a new life with a new code of behavior;
helping others who suffer from the same addictions or compulsions.
Look, we understand- as a Foamer, you have said and done some pretty horrible stuff and by horrible stuff we mean like borderline unforgivable and even we acknowledge some Foamers are just beyond redemption.
I know, “beyond redemption” is contradictory to the whole “healing and recovering aspects” but some Foamers never need to be among normal society but locked in a cage deep, deep, deep and way deep underground. Like way past hell deep.
This recovery will not be easy. It means a change of Facebook settings, unfriending Foamer members, unlocking hate pages and groups and actually apologizing publically or privately to ever person you have stalked, harassed and threatened.
Chapter One
Learning the 12 steps
Step 1 – We admitted we were powerless over our addiction – that our lives had become unmanageable
I mean, you know this is true, right? Your powerless when you hear,read or think when you see a possible pit bull. Your life is a hot mess and I’m pretty sure many people have pointed this out to you.
Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
Take a deep breath. Say this after me… “Colleen Lynn is a fraud and Merritt Clifton can’t add.” Let’s let them go. Let’s just flush their imaginary numbers like a big turd. Washing that insanity right out of your hair!
Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God
God makes more sense then anything a Foamer says. Even though Foamers like to twist the word of God to fit their toxic mission, we know that God doesn’t hate us or whatever happy and healthy dog other person choses to own. I think he’s more irritatated that Foamers hold he belief that being baptized means you get a free pass on being a total asshole.
Step 4 – Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
This might be a hard one. What does the Foamer community really offer you to better and expand yourself? A whole lot of nothing, it seems. They refuse to let you hold yourself accountable for your mistakes WHICH could and probably will teach you a valuable lesson that can only make your life better. They excuse bad, toxic behavior that hurts you, your family and stunts any kind of growth.
Step 5 – Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs
Exact nature of our wrongs. Hating, bullying,harassing, abusing,stalking, promoting violence, spreading bullshit… I mean, the list of Foamer wrong doings is long but by acknowledging it is the first step in changing for the better.
Step 6 – Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character
Change can be scary. Not one person here at Foamer Talk will disagree with you. But when you are ready to wash all of the hate and insanity from your life- it can be done. Say “NO” to Foamers and leave them and their negative influence at the curb.
Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings
Any form of Foamer mentality and belief will always stunt your spiritual growth. Scientists have proven that the toxic foam in the Foamers addiction slowly suffocates your soul and kills any chance having a potential life among normal people.
Step 8 – Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all
Yes. All of them. From A to Z. From every person you hav stalked, harassed to children’s images you have mocked and plastered on your hate pages. You probably have thousands and thousands of amends to make so get cracking.
Step 9 – Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others
Facebook should make this easier- unless the majority have blocked you since you’ve stalked and sent nasty messages to. Try a public forum. Create a public Facebook page that offers apologies to all the people you have injured.
Step 10 – Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it
Yes- admitting when your wrong. That’s gonna be a rough one…
Step 11 – Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry that out
Pray and while your praying, check out the bible- heck, check out multiple religious views. Most of them have many things in common- The Christian ” Love thy neighbor”, Buddhism teaches that harboring the three poisons leads to evil (akusala) and suffering (dukkha). The Three Poisons are lobha, dvesha and moha, most often translated as “greed,” “hate” and “ignorance.” and a slew of others that promotes love and well being over the toxic hate filled belief system in the Foamer community.
Step 12- Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs

You are a shining example that Foaming is NOT the healthy way of life. You are the example that hard core Foamers are frightened of. You are living proof that removing the toxicity of Foamers can create a better and more fulfilling life and it’s your responsibility to help others as many has helped you.
If your a Foamer and deep in the clutches of your foam addiction and somehow your reading this- THERE IS HELP.

A Helping Hand

Dear Foamer that can actually read,
As a independent, employed, happy and possibly in some sort of long term relationship with another productive member of society, I realized I really need to take this moment to explain something to you.
We in society understand how crippling the Foamer virus can be. It is with our sincerest effort, we want to help you help yourself.
We understand that the majority of you are followers with no individual thought of your own. We understand that the Foamer community is communist by nature and frowns upon individuality BUT we are here to help you.
If my chance any of you are taking that positive step a rejoin normal society we understand that it can be truly frightening. Because we absolutely care about your well being, we at Foamer talk put our heads together to create a course to help you she’d that nasty Foamer toxicity and step into the light of happiness!
Be warned, the Foamer community will absolutely employ drastic measures to keep you uniformed, unhappy, uneducated, pathetic, pill popping and boozing non productive member in their toxic horde.
But we know you want better. We know deep down you really understand that 99.9% of the foamers are just big walking, talking piles of bullshit.
When you are 100% ready to take that healthy step, just know there is a very much larger, healthier, safe and mentally stable community waiting for you to just step out of the darkness and into the light.
The rest of the World.


Foamers are among us. Unfortunately, this is how bad society has become. We could cover our eyes and hide in our closets but in the end- you can not avoid them. Foamers. How prepared are you and will you survive the horde of Foamers if they rise up and actually step away from their computers?
Sharpen your pencils, put some pants on for the love of God and get ready for the test that could let you know if you will survive a Foamer Apocalypse.Please remember to use a #2 pencil and absolutly no red ink.
*Warning- if you are caught cheating you will be forced to converse with a Foamer for no less than 10 minutes and no more than 30 minutes.
Foamer Characteristics that you will need to know.
Defining Foamer types:
S/S – Slow and stupid
R/C – Religious and crazy
D/BSC – Drunk and Bat shit Crazy
R/GC – Racist and Gun Crazy
M/C- Mullet andCrazy
The Foamer Infection
For this test, the Foamer infection is based stupidity based. The Foamer infection can only be spread or transferred by interaction, reading or looking at anything they type, write or speak. It is not airborne and can not be made airborne unless you are physically throwing a Foamer at someone.

Types of Questions that might be covered:
True or False
Fact based multiple choices
Situational Multiple choices
Personal Evaluation
Illustration multiple choices
Let’s begin!
True or False
1. Foamers are reasonable people
2. Foamers are generally socially acceptable and welcome in all settings.
3. Making eye contact with a Foamer can and usually instigates a attack.
4. Foamers take ALL facts and accepts them as being acceptable.
5. Foamers are known for their speed which allows them to chase down unsuspecting victims and give them flyers.
6. A Foamer bite is highly infective
7. Do not be afraid of Foamers- they are more afraid of you.
8. Foamers are intelligent
9. All Foamers can run
10. Foamers only desire is to educate the public.
11. Foamers fear facts
12. Foamer outbreaks can spread fast
13. Foamers feel Mercy
14. Foamers really just don’t give a f*ck
15. Foamers have “super senses”.
16. A Foamer can still infect you AFTER it has bored you too death.
17. Your brain can turn to mush after a conversation with a Foamer
18. Military experience can help you when dealing with a Foamer
19. Interactions with Foamers can and usually ruins a good mood.
20. A spork is an effective weapon against a Foamer
21: Foamers will purposefully stalk you and hunt you down to annoy you.

Fact based and situational multiple choice questions.
1. A Foamer tells you that your pit bull will eat you in your sleep you-
A. Slather yourself with BBQ sauce before hitting the sack.
B. Inform them your dog prefers dog food over human flesh.
C. Ask for the statistics that supports that line of insanity.
2. A Foamer is approaching you with a’s Friends flyer you-
A. Spray them with bear mace and call 911
B. Gladly accept it then crumble it up and throw it back at them.
C. Duck and dodge
D. All options are perfectly acceptable
3. A Foamer brags that he knows where you live you-
A. Pack your shit and move
B. Invite them over and then shoot them with paint ball guns
C. Invite them over and cook a delicious dinner.
D. Draw them a map and tell them to bring that sh@t on.
4. You notice a single Foamer harassing someone- do you-
A. Jump in Guns a blazing!
B. Hold back and wait for the horde to come
C. Mock the Foamer until they just lose it then sit back and watch them implode.
5. You run into a Foamer at his job you-
A. HAHAHAH that’s funny, you know Foamers don’t work.
B. You ask them to supersize your fries
C. Ask them why they are the worlds worst DJ ever?
D. Ask them to pour you a beer, pay your tab and don’t tip him.
6. A Foamer bites you on the arm
A. Chop your arm off.
B. Cry, curl up and wait for the Foamer virus to kill you.
C. Wash it and slap a band aid on it.
D. Slap them and tell them to grow up.
7. What is the definition of a Foamer?
A. a man/woman who obsesses over pit bulls and pit bull owners and forms a toxic foam from all their vileness.
B. what happens when you brush your teeth.
C. No clue
8. When throwing something at a Foamer which shot will the best and most effective?
A. First shot
B. Second shot
C. Depends on the person throwing
D. All because it’s just fun throwing shit at Foamers
9. A fast moving r/c Foamer is making a beeline for you do you-
A. Make the sign of the cross and ask God to take you now.
B. Throw a bible at her and pray the word of God knocks her the f@ck out.
C. Listen and wait for your head to explode
10. When handling a loaded paint ball gun, what is the most important thing you should remember?
A. Keep it aimed at a Foamer
B. Accidently pull the trigger and spray the Foamer with paint balls.
C. Just say f@ck it and shoot the Foamer
11. Talk to a Foamer or-
A. Swim in shark infested water with a bleeding wound.
B. Walk into a burning house
C. Play in a trash can filled with dirty needles
12. You’re camping in the woods and you notice a line Foamer -
A. Leave it be, it might infect you.
B. Throw rocks at it
C. Never go camping again.
13. A Foamer falls down in front of you-
A. Step over him/her
B. Laugh and then step over him/her
C. Help them up then go disinfect your hand
D. Let your dog pee on him/her
14. A Foamer outbreak just happened- what do you do?
A. Pack your family up and get out of dodge.
C. Lock your doors
D. Go about your business
15. You notice a Foamer driving a car. Do you-
A. Boycott cars
B. Sob uncontrollably and pop some pills.
C. Refuse to drive EVER EVER again.
D. Stay off the sidewalk
Foamer Mathematical statistics
1. 2+2
A. 4
B. 16
C. 3,210
D. Wait… There is a math section??
2. You see 4 dogs, what breed or breeds do you think they might be? (Part I)
A. All Pit bulls
B. 3 out of 4 are pit bulls
C. it looks like a poodle but its probably a pit bull.
D. 100% they are all pit bulls
(Part II)
The media, experts and the dog owners state those 4 dogs are Beagles, you would say?
A. its a conspiracy
B. Let me ask my dog experts and get back to you
C. I was wrong
3. By looking at the graph, can you tell me how many Pit Bull Nutters attended a pit bull March?
A. 5,000
B. 200 at the most
C. 12
D. The march was just a figment of your imagination.
4. By looking at this graph, which group is the majority?
A. Foamers are the silent majority
B. This graph was created by the pit lobby machine.
C. -inability to speak due to frothing-
5. You are going for walk with a one block distance, how many pit bulls will you see?
A. In every damn yard
C. 2
D. – passed out due to anxiety at the thought of leaving their computer-
Immediate survival scenerios
1. There are four Items in arms reach and a Foamer is heading right towards you.
Which weapon would you use to stop the attack?
A. Paintball gun
B. A lemon
C. Dog poop
D. Bear spray
2. You are in a house and a horde of Foamers have formed outside. What would you do?
A. Climb in your bed, pull the blankets up and watch Bones.
B. Spray them with water.
C. Throw lemons at them
D. Moon them
3. You notice a horde of Foamers turn on a weaker Foamer and start to consume him/her. What do you do?
A. Video tape that sh@t!!
B. Sneak around them
C. Spray them with freezing water
4. A Foamer offers to shake your hand. You-
A. Mace the f@ck out of them
B . Scream bloody murder
C. Shake their hand then immediy chop that hand off and burn it
5. A Foamer looks over your fence. You-
A. Mace the f@ck out of him
B. Squeeze a lemon right in their eyeball
C. Spray them in the face with a hose
6. A Foamer has entered your home and you are on the second floor- do you-
A. Jump out the window
B. Throw shoes at them
C. Bring down the latest report and statistics from NCRC and invite them to look over it.
7. The Foamer outbreak started because
A. The internet was discovered
B. Someone ran out of pills
C. A group of really stupid, obsessive and creepy hypocrites found each other and it was just a perfect storm if stupidity.
8. Inbreeding is not uncommon among foamers.
A. Of course! The amount of stupid in one really small section of the population can’t be just a fluke.
B. How dare you suggest that. God himself will come down and strike you!
C. I don’t even want to think about it.
9. Your city has been told to evacuate due to a Foamer outbreak, do you-
A. Pack your car and family up and hit the road.
B. Board your house up and try to ride it out.
C. Buy some lemons, mace and paint balls and get comfy cuz this is gonna be fun!
10. You see a Foamer shambling down the street, in the OTHER side of the side walk- do you-
A. Assume the stance and get your mace ready
B. Yell obscenities at then
C. Run home and post on Facebook on how you almost were mauled by a Foamer
11. For some reason a Foamer flirts with you, do you-
A. Blush and tell them how sexy you find frothy toxic Foamers.
B. Vomit and then vomit some more
C. You can’t even find the words to describe your repulsion
D. Spray them with mace and call 911
12. You find yourself alone in a dark ally with a Foamer, do you-
A. Throw your shoe at them and run
B. Beat the ever loving shit out of them and casually walk away
C. Cry and succumb to the horrifying incorrect statistics that the Foamer will attack you with.
To know thy enemy one must think like thy enemy. In this portion of the test, throw out all logic, common sense and intelligence and attempt to put yourself in the a Foamers frame of “mind”.
1. A image is shown of a very large 4-6 year old child smoking a cig. is shown. As a Foamer, your first reaction is-
A. I would rather have a child who smoke than one meeting a pItbull.
B. The sad part is that the cigarette is safer than a pit bull.
C. Holy f@ck! Who the f@ck would let a child smoke?!?
D. What does a pit bull have to do with this?
2. You notice a non- Foamer (nutter), you-
A. Uh.. A what?
B. Scream obscenities at them
C. Stalk them, google them, email them and harass them.
D. Call for back up and assemble the horde to rain destruction on those fools!
3. You notice a positive story in a magazine about pit bulls, you-
A. Cry and curl up with a bottle of pills.
B. Throw a temper tantrum
C. Fire off a angry email explaining that even though 95% of the pit bulls might never attack but they are the devil dogs!
4. You see a dog and it MIGHT be part pit, your first thought-
A. Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands….
B. The only good pit is a dead pit
D. Aw! What a cute pooch!
5. Pit bull owner-
A. Child hater
B. Blame them for EVERY thing bad in your life.
C. Facebook page
D. I’m so jealous :(
6. “all dogs have the Potential to be extremely dangerous, given the right circumstances.”
A. The best thing a pet owner can do is not bring a dog that has been bred for hundreds of years to be aggressive like a Pit bull into a neighborhood
B. Mauling is a more accurate term when talking pit bull attacks. Mosquitos bite, hamsters bite, poodles and chihuahuas bite. An animal whose “bite” is catastrophic like that of a wild animal or a shark is not just a bite.
C. Only pit bulls attack. Only. EVER.
D. That makes sense!
7. What is the meaning of life?
A. Facebook super secret groups on how to destroy pit bulls!
B. Wait, there is life outside of Facebook?
C. Family, love, happiness…
D. Dj’ng at a club before a anti pit walk! It’s gonna be awwwwesssome!!!
(Alright, I can’t… The stupidity burns..)
Personal Evaluation
1. Are you able to walk away from your computer?
2. Are you happy?
3. Is your dog happy?
4. Can you touch your toes?
5. Do you have real life friends?
6. Do you have a problem shooting Foamers with a paint ball gun?
7. Are you comfortable pointing out how stupid Foamers are?
8. Do your eyes glaze over when you hear the “15 minute blah blah blah” story for the million time?
9. Do you have a life outside of Facebook?
10. Would you rather eat broken glass then help a Foamer?
Ladies and Gentlemen, you may put your pencil down. How do you think you fared?
Here is the answer key and grade yourself!

Scoring results
100-90% correct- Holy mother of Foamers! If anyone is ready to bitch slap Foamers with the truth it’s you! No doubt you will survive the onslought of foam and stupidity without breaking a sweat.
90-80% correct- Not to shabby! You might get a few bumps and scrapes but you’ll manuever rather easily through the horde with master Kung fu skills!
80-70% correct- I won’t lie, you’ll hit some rough patches but you’ll do fine. There may be times avoidance will be the key to your survival. Avoid and live to fight another day!
70-60% correct- yeah… It’s going to be a rough ride. But with some practice, the force will be with you. But until you gain a bit more experience it is strongly recommended not to approach Foamers alone.
60% and lower- I don’t know how to tell you this but- your fucked. Foamer bait, Foamer food but the good knews is- you can always study!

30 popular myths and random amount of Foamer sayings

Myth #1: It’s the owner not the Foamer
Myth # 2: It’s impossible to identify a Foamer
Myth #3: Human-aggressive Foamers were “culled”
Myth #4: Fatal attack statistics about Foamers are false
Myth #5: The media conspiracy against Foamers
Myth #6 Foamers are unpredictable
Myth #7: Foamers are experts and their word is the truth. The ONLY truth
Myth #8: Foamers are the most popular people in America
Myth #9 Foamers pass all mental health and psychiatric tests
Myth #10 Punish the deed not the breed (of Foamer)
Myth #11 Foamers are usually successfully employed
Myth #12 Foamers were once known to be important people
Myth #13 Foamers will be perfectly okay with you having a different opinion
Myth #14 There’s no need to heavily medicate a Foamer before letting them mingle in public
Don’t forget to attend our ‘Million Foamer walk’ on random streets and imagine anyone really cares about your flyers.
Myth #15 Its not an attack if the Foamer is not frothing at the mouth
Myth #16 There is no bad Foamers… Just really horrible decisions
Myth #17 I ‘ve seen toddlers more aggressive than Foamers
Myths #18 FSL (Foamer specific legislation) would never ever work. EVER.
Myth #19 Foamers are the Best babysitters ever… (please, in all seriousness, never leave your child with a Foamer.)
Myth #21 A Foamer is the sweetest person ever.
Myth #22 Foamers make the BEST DJ’s, and Bartenders ever. And are wonderful at victim advocacy for ALL victims
Myth #23 Non foamers stalk via internet more than Foamers
“Let’s set up a Foamer information booth for our kids and not forget to rent a PA system! “
“Let’s bring a Foamer into school and let the children read books to a heavily medicated and restrained Foamer.”
“Let’s Foamers go visit the victims of non pit bull attacks any where to show them how to just slap a band aid on their wounds.”
Foamer talk dot org
“Hey now…educate yourself guys.”
“you’re all just racist against Foamers!!!”
“please leave Foamers alone, my family has enabled their bad behavior for years and the only time i was stalked, harassed and attacked was by a Foamer.”
“educate yourself you 14 year old hater,get a big jar of peanut butter and…”
Myth #24 “Foamers make the best parents EVER. its all how they are raised that its NEVER your fault but ALWAYS the dogs. “
“don’t you know the famous Foamer Colleen Lynn was a psychic and with no degree or education in dogs what so ever she is considered a expert now? “
“A Foamer is running for office ‘cuz he’s the “Write” Foamer for the job.”
Foamers are the majority.
Foaming mouths?
“educate yourself its haters like you and your real facts and statistics give Foamers bad name.”
“come over to my house and let’s froth over a pit bull I saw in a car.”
“awww you really hurted my feelings, Im going to go eat pills!”
“If a Foamer packs a hunting knife, gun, fire extinguisher, break stick, bear mace, sledge hammer and a tazer it’s just because someone’s dog might actually think about looking at me.”
“Foamers only attack, breath, think or agree if they’re told too.”
“my psychiatrist says being a Foamer is a serious mental health issue BUT as long as I’m heavily medicated I’m safe. “
“I have 66 Foamer Facebook friends and half of those are fake profiles created by the other half.”
“I’am a Dr, reporter, teacher to Juvenal delinquents, dog rescuer, DJ, Bartender and i have a zero knowledge of what I’m reay talking about but since I’m a Foamer, I’m considered a expert.”
2+2= 1,345 in Foamer math
“11 people attended my Foamer walk. It was a massive success and I even DJ’d the night before!”
Get the FACTS!!!
Myth #25 “there’s no such thing as a Foamer.”
“people are so quick to label anything that goes into convulsions and thinks about killing dogs and stalking dog owners as Foamer.”
Myth #26 “all Foamers have a endless amount of common sense.”
Myth #27 “You can not identity a Foamer by sight”
” a fellow Foamer listened to my sob story over AND over again. A fellow Foamer listened to me rant about trying to get a non Foamer get kicked out of a group because SHE didn’t believe my bullshit story”
Myth #28 Foamers aren’t real. nothing is real.
“omg u ppl r so ignorent!!!!!!! Everyone that is NOT a Foamer is known to practice deviant behavior and fit the criteria of being a sociopath.”
Myth #29 Foamers will eventually do something great
“You haters only have 7,000 + likes on all your hater pages! Our Foamer pages has like 1,620 total.TAKE THAT, HATERS!!!”
“Parents need to teach their brats that it’s never their fault if a dog bites. It doesn’t matter if you throw rocks at it or climb into someone else’s backyard with out permission. The Foamer Community will never hold you accountable. Ever!”
“Good news, Eventually non Foamers will go extinct and no longer prey on communities.”
“Foamers are as safe as any other person. You guys are just racist.”
“A book, a actor, a artist, a product or someone famous who really doesn’t care about our hateful agenda disagreed with us! Boycott them!!”
” As a Foamer, I ambassador for our community I will encourage mocking victims that don’t fall in line with us and I will pimp… I mean advertise… No, I mean show pictures of dead children to help our cause. “
“As a Foamer, I will defend our made up numbers and fake statistics till the end.”
“It isn’t just ONE Foamer you need to worry about; it’s about the HORDE of Foamers that will attack. We might say we don’t promote craziness but we sure do have a butt load of certifiably insane foamers we will let loose on you if you disagree! Grrrrr!”
“Foamers are known to be sweet, kind and understanding and absolutely supports your choice to think different then the Foamer community.”
“When Foamers become a bit unglued and unhinged we love to support them by encouraging them to just take a leap off the crazy cliff.”
“Foamers for Life is tattooed on my *#@!”
omg did you vagazzle it too!?
“Many Foamers love to dress up in fantasy play and swing swords around. This just proves how non violent we are.”
A Foamer only wants to educate and enslave you all with good intentions . Lmbo
“see you later i am off to hide behind my computer and start fights, stalk and harass non Foamers!”
“It’s okay if we stalk our neighbors and yell and cuss at them and their dogs! Heck, throw some anti freeze in their yard just cause I can, right???”
Foamers are not uneducated! We can google with the best of them! Please educate yourself about our level of expertise!”
blame everyone and everything but yourself.
“I know that family members and friends have told me that I’m losing my mind and obsessing over this, but they just don’t understand that GOD HAS CALLED ME TO SPREAD THE WORD outside the Foamer community.”
Myth #30 “all your education, facts and experts have nothing on a real Foamer expert. “
Darn those Non Foamers

2013 CFC report

Leading experts from around the world who have years of training studying the Foamer community compile their data yearly to help us accurately keep track of Foamer incidents nationwide except for Canada and Mexico (our budget isn’t that big). This agency is known as the CFC – The Center for Foamer Control.
Our experts have sent informative questioners through out the states to medical and mental health professions to help gather Non Foamer interactions with Foamers data.
Each question is scientifically proven to help understand the rising levels of insanity in the Foamer community and the threat they pose to our community and to the National Security.
According to the CFC (Center for Foamer Control) they stopped recording Foamer attacks by gender and instead of recording “Foamer man” and “Foamer woman” they simplified it to just “Foamer”.
The CFC reports that with the growth of the population it makes sense that the percentage of Foamers would grow slightly. As troubling as that might seem at first glance, the CFC assures us that it’s normal.
According to these charts from 2011 to 2013 it seems as if the Foamer population hasn’t grown much:
For continuous safety for non Foamers, the CFC has targeted the top 3 regions that has the highest Foamer population:
Every once in a while, Foamers will leave their computer and gather to march and spread their Foam among society. Just recently Foamers congregated in a city:
Here is a comparison:
Non Foamers
Non Foamers-
Foamer Gathering
In conclusion, The CFC concludes that there will always be Foamers and that means Foamer attacks are always possible. Foamer Education is the best way to avoid or lesson your irritation when having the unfortunate Foamer interaction.
Tips for avoiding Foamer attacks:
Never feed the Foamers
Leave Foamers alone while they are eating.
Do not approach stray Foamers.
Never leave children, dogs,cats and the elderly alone and unsupervised with Foamers.
Please make sure Foamers are S/N and up to date on their vaccinations.
When a Foamer is approaching, don’t yell and run. Stand perfectly still, don’t make eye contact and pray they just don’t see you.
Don’t be part of the problem! Be proactive and help keep the Foamer population down. FBL (Foamer breed legislation) are being enacted daily nationwide!

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