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Saturday 13 September 2014

“Krusty Graham” December 20, 2013

“Krusty Graham”

Kristy Graham is a pretty active member of Facebook. Between her own profile, her dogs page, other groups she is a member of, advocating, educating, donating, etc. So of course, the foamers hate her. This is their most recent post. We asked Kristy if she’d like to respond to their comments and accusations. She obliged.
First, their stupidity.
Her response:
“HA! Well first of all it cracks me up that they feel the need to give me a nasty nickname. Says a lot for their mentality level doesn’t it? But seriously sticks and stones blah blah. Anyway, I had to do a bunch of searching to find the post they quoted because I wanted to know what it was I was talking about back then (June 2012, got much time on your hands guys?). It turns out it was an article done by a group called Dogs in Need of Space (DINO). It talks about how the statement “it’s all in how they are raised” is wrong because often it’s NOT about how a dog was raised (that’s why dogs like the Vick dogs can go on to be so successful after rescue). It’s more in how they are MAINTAINED. And lots of dogs do have issues. Sometimes they are physical, an injury that has gone unnoticed for example, or it can be lack of training and socialization, those can both be corrected, and yes, it can be genetic. But what these people did in their conversation is assume I was talking about pit bulls. I wasn’t. As per usual, I was talking about DOGS. Dogs are dogs, I don’t care what breed they are. Some are good, some are great. Some are smart, some are dumb. Some are bomb proof and never react to anything, some have issues and react to everything. DOGS. here is a link to the original article: It’s Not How They’re Raised. Linked in that article is another one by a trainer who got a dog that had apparently a bad wiring issue. That article is here: Voyage with Cuba. That dog came from a reputedly good breeder, was bought by a trainer, was being trained and socialized and then started exhibiting some pretty serious and odd behaviors (aggressive behaviors). He was a St. Bernard. I have a friend who has a chocolate lab that is apparently very dangerous. She has to MAINTAIN him at all times to keep both him, other animals and humans safe. She’s had him since he was 7 weeks old. Wiring. I have a friend with 2 dobermans. One is a beautiful brown female. One of the smartest dogs I’ve ever seen. The other is a white doberman. Gorgeous with pretty ice blue eyes. He’s got vision problems, he’s got skin problems. He’s as sweet as he can be, but dumb as a box of rocks. All of those dogs are affected by their genetics. And has NOTHING to do with pit bulls specifically.
They try to make it all about the pit bulls though because I guess they can’t see anything else in the world. That’s too bad. It’s their loss. It’s their misinformation. It’s their ignorance.
As for the individuals commenting I have responses for them to.
Murphey Powers: No, I didn’t admit to genetic differences in my pibbley wibbley. I admitted that some dogs can have genetic issues that might possibly lead to aggression or other behavioral issues. It can also lead to physical issues.
Tricia Malone: No, I wasn’t defending pit bulls. I was discussing why some dogs have problems even when owners have done their best. I was discussing why “it’s all in how they are raised” is NOT a true statement. It’s a statement I dislike as much as I dislike the nanny statement which is also patently false. Not because of the pit bull but because trusting any dog to take care of your children should be grounds for having your children removed from your care. It’s stupid.
Beth Robbins: I get criticized all the time. And I’m not cautious about speaking the truth. If you spent any time actually reading my page you’d know that I often get praised, and vilified for not only speaking the truth but for being rather tactless about it at times. I speak against breeding. I speak against dogs being loose. I speak against owners who do not train and properly maintain their dogs. I speak against parents who don’t teach their children how to properly interact with animals. I speak against bad shelters and rescues. I have spoken openly about the fact that I think a human aggressive dog (when the aggression cannot be corrected like with an injury that just needs treatment, or when it stems from a situational reason) should be humanely euthanized. Not just for the safety of humans but also because any dog that is in that mental state of aggression is probably also living in fear (as that is where most aggression stems from) and that is a lousy quality of life. That also is not just about pit bulls, but all dogs.
Liza Mae: You are simply delusional. And you lost that bet. Please feel free to send your lost money as a donation to your local shelter. Nothing, in over 25 years of owning dogs has ever “happened”. Not one single bite. Not one single incident of any sort. I have crossed the country 4 times with my pit bull who eventually died at 13. He made friends everywhere, loved everyone and had a best friend named Sam that was a beautiful lab who learned to knock on the door to get him to come out and play. My current dog, Rafa, is a happy go lucky dog who wants nothing more than to chase tennis balls. He is a Canine Good Citizen and will soon be getting his Community Canine title. I train with him EVERY SINGLE DAY. My dog is not only raised properly, but it’s an ongoing process of our friendship and our relationship and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. So no. nothing has happened. I just understand reality and I understand that every living being in this world has the potential to be aggressive, some more than others, and those are things that should be dealt with. But boy did you take a lot out of one statement!
Susie Iwicki: A child died while in your care. And your dogs did it. You are a bad pet parent. I don’t need to know you to know that child is dead because YOU did not properly train or maintain your dogs.
William Johnson: He is my kid. He’s also my best friend. I also like him more than most people, because he doesn’t feel the need to pick on, belittle or kill others. If you have a problem with that, well, that’s your problem. Not my concern.
Thanks for asking for my response Follies! Have a great day!

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