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Sunday 28 September 2014



You have to be kidding here, you know exactly who is behind that blog. Pinning blame on other people like usual. We’re not surprised, nor are we impressed by your actions. It’s funny how people continue to listen to you, with all the lies that you have told. You can’t even show where we slurred you as you say. So when you find another page called “Animal Buddy” you go on the attack? This is amusing.
We would like to take this time, to point out a couple of things to the public.
We do not live in Milan, we are not an air-hostess nor an Italian model. Nor have we ever created a page like this Animal Buddy before, if you took a look at this Animal Buddy page, you will notice inspirational messages and quotes. The Animal Buddy page, they are slandering, has nothing to do with this current hate campaign. Nor do they realize what is going on currently, as she, is not always on Facebook to post her, inspirational quotes and or messages. We also doubt, she knew about the other Animal Buddy page that is only there to slander, a legit charity/campaign. Yet slyly covers it up with multiple petition and animal news posts.
Point of fact Amber and Karen, let’s not forget this little ditty here:
Which debunks your slander, against the other Animal Buddy page and that woman. We think you should state an apology to her. We did inform her of your wretched actions.
As you can see here, the people spying and slandering NoToDogMeat, is Amber and Karen Cole. Of course they are using aliases, to hide that fact, but being as we were all in this group together, we know who is who.
Clean your shit up first, ladies, when you try to tell lies.
Oops, Jonathan Colt’s Identity revealed. 
Karen Cole is Eva Ford, by her own omission, in our old group. Look how she blames NoToDogMeat for everything, and not the actual people, who stole the pages. You also fail to comply with Facebook TOS and community standards.
Another omission by Karen Cole, stating that they knew Michele Brown had access to Kum’s photos. So if you knew, that Michele Brown had access to Kum’s photo’s, why have you been defending Brown? And slandering Kyenan Kum, by repeatedly sharing Merritt Cliftons slanderous article.
Then to top all of this off, create a page called OpExpose Ntdm, posing as Anonymous. Let us remind you Anonymous would not do this kind of thing, to innocent people, nor would they slander one of their own people, whom has been leading a people powered movement against corruption.
You realize Kyenan Kum, was the pioneer of exposing the Dog/Cat Meat trade right? You also realize her and her sister were also the people who started International Aid for Korean Animals (IAKA). So why would she be supportive of eating Dog or Cat Meat, when she and others have been for 30 sum odd years, fighting against it.

To further note, sharing one of Merritt’s articles is like quoting from, nothing is ever accurate. Merritt never conducted a legitimate interview with Kyenan or Julia, nor was he truthful, to us about knowing the location of Kyenan Kum. And why did we need said location? Because Karen and Amber wanted to write a letter, or get information pertaining to Kyenan’s patron’s status. 
Need we also remind people that Kim Bartlett has asked for them to remove this article
Note the date of asked removal; also note how they did not approve of comment, nor did they comply with the request.  The article is still on Animal Buddy.Org wordpress and on OpExpose NTDM, along with all their twitter accounts.
We would also like to remind people, that Merritt Clifton has been removed from Animal People as per vote of the board members. We would also like to point out, that Merritt Clifton now writes for his own newly started. “Animals 24/7″ news/blog and also continues to advocate for the DEATH of all pit bull type dogs. Not very loving animal type person now is he? With all of this going on Merritt also considers himself as a breed expert.
In reality this dog is not a pit bull, however, a Nova Scotia/Chocolate Lab mix. However, We should thank Animal Bully, for sharing a blog, that exposes Merrit Clifton’s relationship with ROLDA, revealing his promotion of her fraudulent fundraising. Thanks Animal Bully.
Yet, enough about Merritt Clifton and his moronic ways. If you want to learn more about Merritt or, simply visit our Friends at FoolishFollies.
 If you continue to attack people Animal Bully and OnTo Dog Team, we will continue to give you the attention, that you are wanting. Bored, frustrated pensioners, thinking they are Thelma & Louise, egging each other on……. Quite funny, the lot of you. We suggest you watch Thelma & Louise movie again, and see what happens at the end.
Which is Ironic, since there is only one place left to go, and that is spiraling downwards, since you wish not to admit the wrongs you have done, nor take responsibility for the actions taken. Typical criminal like mentality.

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