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Wednesday 21 January 2015

Annie Cowan Brown A VOICE OF REASON?

Hello everyone!
I have a fb page called Pitbull Pragmatics. It is a closed group of pitbull advocates, bsl advocates and on the fencers working together to find common ground, listen to each other, see each other as REAL people outside the volatile world of debate on this issue. We are being REAL here, talking about our opinions and experiences with the goal to break down walls of fear, anger, resentment and to build trust among members, with the ultimate goal to preve...
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  • 6 people like this.
  • Diane Walsh Fortune I'd be interested in joining. I actually don't hate all pit bulls and don't post comments about how I wish they were all killed on sight. I've owned pits and one of them "snapped" and nearly killed another dog, biting a person in the process. I support BSL that would allow people to keep their pets but require tracking, management, use of muzzles. I'm pretty open to a middle ground between pits running wild and all pits killed on sight.
    10 hrs · Like · 5
  • Lorena McGovern I'll give it a try, but if I hear the same old nutter BS I'm outta there. I've never heard such stupid people in my life.
    9 hrs · Like · 5
  • Annie Cowan Brown I only need pit bull advocates at this time. If you are interested please search for Pitbull Pragmatics and ask to join. Thank you.
    8 hrs · Like · 1
  • Julia Lewis Hi Annie, glad it is working well. Maybe some pit bull advocates will read your post and apply. Why don't you put your post up on some of their pages too? Maybe you have done that.
    8 hrs · Like
  • Annie Cowan Brown Not sure what their pages are. Any suggestions?
    7 hrs · Like
  • Jackie Jenkins This is excellent
    7 hrs · Like · 2
  • Julia Lewis William Johnson might be able to advise as to which would be good ones.
    7 hrs · Like · 3
  • James Hassinger A reasonable pit bull advocate? Does that exist? They seem to behave like their dogs, nice one second and biting your head off the next
    7 hrs · Like · 4
  • Julia Lewis Actually, believe it or not, there are one or two reasonable ones. Reasonable in the sense that they know what their dogs are capable of, and take precautions accordingly.
    7 hrs · Like · 2
  • John Tawaroa James i will channel a reasonable pit advocate.
    Ya know they were bred as nanny dogs, came to America as farm dogs and only fight to please their owners.
    You just need to meet a pit bull to love one, come meet mine, she is called bubbles.
    I call her that because every time bubbles kills a cat she blows red bubbles, fun right!!! Its not like cats are rare.
    Only abused pibbles attack and even after killing a human they can be trained back to being good, pits get a bad rap, the media reports lab attacks as pit bulls... Sick right, pibbles never never attack humans all the other attacks you read about were not pit bulls it was American bully mixed breed dogs or staffys these are not pit bulls.
    There is NO such dog as a pit bull.. Ok ? Got it?
    Please like my page if you agree.
    Personal Website · 455,474 Likes
    I Love Pitbulls's photo.
    I Love Pitbulls
    • Terri Wilson
    • Mercedes Frank
    7 hrs · Like · 3
  • James Hassinger Lol john yeah that's about as "reasonable" as a pit bull advocate gets
    7 hrs · Like
  • John Tawaroa James did i tell you I FREAKIN LOVE PIT BULLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There are no bad pit bulls, only bad children.
    7 hrs · Like · 4
  • James Hassinger Oh and don't forget, if you hate pit bulls you're RACIST 
    7 hrs · Like · 4
  • John Tawaroa The only good pit owner i have ever seen is Beth from animals 24/7.
    7 hrs · Like · 1
  • John Tawaroa What??? Can i hate white pits and not be racist?
    7 hrs · Like
  • Annie Cowan Brown Chill out you guys....I understand where it comes from, but it doesn't help. We've all had those moments. .....
    6 hrs · Like
  • Cam Bellamy If we know of balanced, intelligent pit bull advocates how do we direct them to your group? Does it appear on a fb search?
    6 hrs · Like · 1
  • Paris Wolf With some pitbull advocates stalking and hacking those of us who see the potential danger of bringing pitbulls into homes with children and small pets, I see a risk in joining such as group.
    5 hrs · Like · 3
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo Sounds like a good idea !
    3 hrs · Like
  • Sonya Del Rio Cerezo But I can agree with Paris Wolf that it is risky as we know these nuts will go to all lengths....
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Annie Cowan Brown ok. I have been flooded with requests and I am so extremely thankful. At this point, I have no more room. I am trying to keep this group small so that the mediating will not be a NIGHTMARE. I do not wish to have another place for people to argue all of the time. I want progress, compassion, respect, and it has to be done on a small stage first. If you wish to join Pitbull Pragmatics as a BSL advocate OR a pit advocate you are free to search for the group and send a request. I will answer you privately and keep you on a list for when we decide to expand. I thank you all for your support. I know that this can be done. Its about time that we put our heads together, got rid of the radical supporters on both sides and start to save lives.
    3 hrs · Like · 1
  • Annie Cowan Brown As for taking a risk. If you are a pitbull advocate or a BSL advocate who is behaving like a jerk, I dont have any room for you. I am not afraid of a bunch of crazies because A) I know that my focus is real, its on saving the lives of innocent victims and B) that type of person is never going to affect me or matter anyway. Ive already been hacked and had my face put on pages and made fun of. I dont particularly care as my focus is in the right place. I have no regrets and it's worth the risk to accomplish these important goals.
    2 hrs · Edited · Like

1 comment:

  1. This IS Annie Cowan Brown. I am that person and have been my whole life. No fake name or page. Unfortunately, due to the pitbull owners on that page, there was no compromise met. Pit bull owners only tried to bully BSL supporters and screenshot conversations. Instead of coming up with solutions they were just awful acting so we folded the page. I didn’t try to be the “voice of readon” as your smear here states. I was trying to open up a dialogue between two groups of people who vehemently oppose each other, in hopes to stop further victimization of people by dangerous dogs and the suffering of bully breeds. You should actually jump off the hate train yourself and try to be constructive. Pages like this don’t accomplish anything. Shame on you.
