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Wednesday 14 October 2015

Julia Lewis hates pit bulls enough to make a Facebook group dedicated to eradicating the breed and it's imploding.

Looks like there's trouble in Haters-ville with the Ninja (Lesley Karen Luscombe) attacking fellow "Dangerous Dogs" member Clarice Larson (meme maker) accusing her of mocking victims with her meme's and going as far as exposing that Clarice has a fake Facebook profile which comes as no surprise because they all seem to have many fake Facebook profiles.

Julia Lewis is trying to calm things down but when your world revolves around hate & propaganda it's not long before you all turn on each other at an ever increasing rate with each and every repeal of Bsl or implementation of preventive legislation thwarting Bsl they'll become increasingly erratic and manic. 

By the way, I've just removed two threads where an argument was being thrashed out. They were up there for a few hours and now it's time to move on. We don't want to quarrel among ourselves!
6 people like this.
Carol Miller Excellent!
Like16 hrs
Clarice Larson Should I not post memes if pages are going to misinterpret them and people are going to attack me in here?
They take time to make. 
Don't really want to go through all that again..
Like16 hrs
Julia Lewis I didn't see what memes you were talking about, Clarice Larson. No-one is against memes generally.
Like116 hrs
Julia Lewis I took down the threads because it's not a good idea to have public arguments and people had had time to read what was being said anyway.
Like216 hrs
Julia Lewis Let's just move on!
Like116 hrs
Clarice Larson An anti pit bull page i was following reshared my meme earlier saying I was mocking them, then blocked me. 
That's happened twice here. The first time I posted about my dog getting eaten by a bulldog and sarcastically called it a "cool dog" everyone jumped down my throat like I was a nutter.
It's kinda tense in this group..
Like16 hrs
Julia Lewis Well let's all try to get on now. Remember, we have one thing in common!
Like315 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe Please be aware she has TWO identities, under the names Larson AND Sutterfield. She is now sending abusive messages to Survivors of Toy Dog Attack.

Someone like her can do a lot of damage, sad to say.
Like115 hrs
Lesley Karen Luscombe I'll comment no more on this odd-bod. Done with it.
Like15 hrs
Clarice Larson Ya I'm a little bitter about it. Was rude!
Like15 hrs
Clarice Larson I'm relatively new here only been here a few months. A little taken back now.
Like15 hrs
Clarice Larson And this? There was no drama in this?
At all. Why was it removed?
Like15 hrsEdited
Clarice Larson Listen. I have a ton of memes to share. Not interested in doing it if you're gonna let people flat out attack me for NO reason.
Because they read through half a feed then misinterpret it. 
Then accuse me of being pro pit! Cause I'm confused why an anti pit page shared my post and blocked me.

Fun stuff. 
Here are some of the memes I have to offer/have been posting and spending my precious time making.
Like15 hrs
Julia Lewis You are welcome to put up memes!
Like115 hrs
Clarice Larson I'm afraid to now! LOL
Like15 hrs
Heidi Schold I tried to be kind until I was called a B word... I see she's still at it...

This sort of behavior is nothing new from Lesley Karen Luscombe even her own family have isolated themselves from her hate and this is typical among breed specific legislation proponents in general most of whom have extensive criminal histories ranging from driving while intoxicated to manslaughter and numerous drug charges.

They consistently/constantly express their hatred for pit bulls be advising on ways to kill them which include;

- poisoning via anti freeze in their water, rat sack in hot dogs weaners, razor blades in sausages, stabbing, adopting and having pts, running over them with their cars, shooting them etc etc etc etc just to mention a few they also advise abducting pets and tying them up outside shelters in neighboring County's and towns etc.

This group is called "Dangerous Dogs" they're on Facebook but they seem to be only using it as a platform to launch their social hate campaign they're not advocates they're fanatics. 

"Dangerous Dogs"

more to come........

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